Pool FAQs

Frequently Asked Questions About our Pool Services in New Jersey

In-ground pool in Brick

Custom in-ground pool & patio in Brick, NJ.

Here are the questions and answers to some of the common questions Y.E.S. Contractors gets about pool swimming installation in New Jersey.

Will the excavated material be hauled away to make way for my in-ground pool?
The excavated material can be hauled away at an additional charge per load.

When scheduling what are some things that I should consider?
Some things that should be considered when scheduling are the weather, permits, site issues, pools that are defective or missing pieces.

When choosing a pool contractor what are some things to consider?
Some things that you want to consider when choosing a contractor are to confirm their license and complaint history.

What is the difference between the different types of pool liners that are available?
There are three different types of liners available which are the beaded, overlap, and j-hook liner. The beaded liner hooks into and hangs from a bead receiver track under the top rail. The overlap liner goes over the pool wall and is held on by the top rail. With an overlap liner, you can either leave, cut or roll up the excess liner that hangs down the side of the pool wall. The j-hook liner hooks onto the top of the pool wall and is held on by the top rail. With the j-hook liner, there is no excess liner that hangs down the side of the pool wall.

What is the difference between a slat wall pool and a rolled wall pool?
A slat wall pool comes in hundreds of pieces that interlock together to make the wall of the pool. A rolled wall comes in one piece that you unroll and seam together with a row of bolts to make the wall of the pool. A slat wall pool is the strongest wall that is available but there is more labor involved in assembling the pool.

What is a grand pool entrance?
Aluminum decks usually come with a steep aluminum ladder with one to two handrails to access the deck, this ladder is sometimes hinged in order to flip up vertically. A grand entrance on the other hand is a wide aluminum staircase with two fenced rails on the side and a self-latching gate at the base.

What is a buttress pool?
A buttress pool is an oval pool that has diagonal bracing on the straight sides of the pool that extend out approximately 3-feet from the side of the pool.

Is it an issue if I have sprinklers in my yard?
Sprinklers are a common but easy issue. WE ARE NOT RESPONSIBLE FOR SPRINKLER REPAIRS. You should turn off and flag all sprinkler heads prior to excavation so they are easier to avoid. Any lines in or around the pool area WILL BE damaged or removed by our excavation equipment. We will leave any lines we encounter exposed for your sprinkler company to repair and reroute.

How can a pool be installed in a sloped yard?
When installing a pool on a sloped yard, the excavator would determine the depth of the slope and excavate into the slope to make the site level and ready for the pool's installation.

Do I need wall foam?
You do not necessarily need wall foam but it does help extend the life of your pool and liner. Wall foam is available in different thicknesses and is a sheet of foam that is placed on the wall of the pool and is a barrier between the sand cove and the wall. The wall foam also acts as a cushion for the liner reducing the wear and ability to puncture the liner.

Do I need new sand when replacing a pool?
You will need new sand when replacing a pool. We cannot guarantee your new liner if the old sand is used. Your sand may have been affected if your old pool failed.

Are there other above-ground options for a pool base besides sand?
Another option for a pool base besides sand would be a foam base. A foam base is a closed-cell polymer pad that is designed to last for many years. A foam base can help protect the liner from roots, rocks, and other objects beneath the pool and can help keep a smooth and consistent bottom.

Will the excavation equipment fit into my backyard?
For the excavation equipment to fit into your backyard you will need a 6 foot opening to the pool site.

Will my existing wood deck affect my pool installation?
When installing a pool in a yard with an existing wood deck the degree of difficulty may become increased. If the customer desires installation of the pool flush with the deck there will be additional charges depending on how many sections of the pool that the deck will border. If the customer does not desire flush installation of pool with deck the pool then will be installed at least 18 inches away from deck resulting in no additional charge.

What type of deck can I put on my round pool?
The types of decks that are made for around the pool are a 3’x5′, 5’x6′, 2 piece fan, 3 piece fan, 5 piece fan, and a walk-around.

What type of deck can I put on my oval pool?
The types of deck you can put on your oval pool are a 3’x5′, 5’x6′, 2 piece fan, 3 piece fan, 5 piece fan, 5’x9′ side, 5’x12′ side, 5’x15′ side, end and walk around.

What is a walk deck?
A walking deck is an approximately 18″ wide aluminum deck that surrounds the perimeter of the pool with an aluminum fence. Only a couple of pool manufacturers offer this with their pools.

What is a foam base?
A foam base is a closed-cell polymer pad that is designed to last for many years. A foam base can help protect the liner from roots, rocks, and other objects beneath the pool. The extra barrier will also help keep a smooth and consistent bottom.

Do I need new sand for a liner change?
You will not need new sand for a liner unless your liner has a leak, sinkhole or if we are filling in a pre-existing saucer/hopper/deep-end. We will only be able to judge if and how much sand you need when we arrive at the site.

Are you thinking about installing a pool or needing maintenance on your existing pool? Learn more about the pool services we offer or give us a call at 1-732-451-7354 for more information or to request an estimate from Y.E.S. Contractors.

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Y.E.S. Contractors
1771 NJ-34 Suite 1A
Wall Township, NJ 07727
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