A Good Base
Our team got to work by leveling the ground and building the base track for the pool. A good base is important as it is the foundation of the entire pool!
One Sandy Bottom
Once the ground was level, our team assembled the pool wall and laid sand to act as a barrier between the ground and the pool's liner. Sand cushions while protecting against any roots or debris that could potentially puncture the liner.
No Creasing This Liner
They installed the liner as well as all the caps and ledges for the pool, then began slowly filling the pool with water. It is important to allow the pool to fill slowly to ensure the liner has time to stretch to the pool.
Off to the Trenches
Our team dug deep trenches around the pool and laid bonding wire. Bonding the pool is crucial to ensuring it is safe and swim-able! It prevents the transmission of harmful electrical voltage to people, pool equipment, or pets.
A Beautiful Scene
Our team back-filled their trenches and this project was complete. The homeowner was so excited for his brand new swimming pool and we are stoked to see what it looks like next season! Congrats YES, another job well done.