Doughboy Pool Installation in Howell, NJ
After the ground was excavated the crew is preparing to install.

Doughboy Pool Installation in Howell, NJ
Once the ground is leveled the track is laid down and the pool walls are ready to go up

Doughboy Pool Installation in Howell, NJ
Sand is laid as the base for the pool and the pool walls begin to go up

Doughboy Pool Installation in Howell, NJ
Once the walls are up, the sand is leveled to prepare for liner installation

Doughboy Pool Installation in Howell, NJ
The liner is installed and we are allowing it to properly stretch by slowly filling the pool with water.

Doughboy Pool Installation in Howell, NJ
The liner is fully installed and the ledges are placed back on the pool

Doughboy Pool Installation in Howell, NJ
The site was backfilled to level the ground around the pool. This step is important in order to make sure that no sand can seep out from the bottom of the pool and prevents premature erosion!

Doughboy Pool Installation in Howell, NJ
After the backfill, the crew completed the landscape package to give the pool a finishing touch. This family is ready to enjoy their pool for this summer and many summers to come!