Liner Replacement in Colts Neck, NJ
This old liner was in desperate need of replacement! We removed the old liner from the pool cut it up and bagged it for easy disposal
Liner Replacement in Colts Neck, NJ
Once the old liner was out, we removed all roots and rocks that could cause potential damage and resurfaced the pool floor.
Liner Replacement in Colts Neck, NJ
Once the pool floor is completely resurfaced, the pool is prepared for it's new liner.
Liner Replacement in Colts Neck, NJ
The new liner is in and the pool is slowing filling with water (filling the pool slowly makes sure that the liner stretches evenly and helps the liner last longer)
Liner Replacement in Colts Neck, NJ
Once the water is high enough,l we cut in the skimmer and returns, install the new hardware, and get the pool up and running!