Beginning the Project
The ground is excavated and the crew is ready to begin installation

Laying the Foundation
The track is laid down

Continuing the Project
The crew shaped and leveled the pool floor and deep-end

Damage Prevention
A protective barrier is laid down on the sand to protect from rocks, plant life, and animals from damaging the pool in the coming years.

Installing the Walls
Now that the protective barrier has been laid, the pool walls are ready to go up and sand for the pool floor is ready to be placed.

Leveling the Pool
Once the sand is laid, the crew hand levels the pool floor and deep-end!

Placing the Liner
The liner is placed and ready to be stretched!The pool is going to be slowly filled with water at this point.

Filling the Pool
When working with a deep-end it is very important to slowly fill it with water to allow the liner to expand and fit the deep-end evenly and prevent tears and seam separations!

Completed Brand New Pool!
The liner has completely stretched to fit the pool, and the water is filled adequately to install the skimmer and filter system.